ostracus on central-Mediterranean Punic amphora

MAC OLE-00577
Object type ostrakon
Fabric Punic central-mediterranean amphora
Culture/period Protohistory
Materials pottery
Technique incising
Production date -210 / -190
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Current location Centre Interpretació
Archaeological site Olèrdola. Entrada recinte (sector 01)
Township Olèrdola (Alt Penedès)
Dimensions 97 x 65 x 15 mm
This is a possible ostracon, cut from the wall of a Punic amphora from the central Mediterranean, located in Sector 01, the entrance to the site, during the 2005 excavation in a preparation level of the pavement of the main road, dated from the first half of the first century BC. It is the most interesting inscription of the group of three, despite a damaged part. The interpretation is as follows: ] e - ba - r - ti - m: a I - o ] bo - to - l - e - i -s The entire inscription is parallel with formants of compounds of the onomastic type, which suggests that these are the remains of a list of names; alor, bartin, boto and leis. So, it seems that we have a list of people (customers?) and therefore possibly a commercial inscription. A date between -210 / -190 is proposed based on the epigraphic characteristics. RODRIGUEZ RAMOS, J. 2008, Comentaris epigràfics a les inscripcions d'Olèrdola, in MOLIST, N. (ed), La intervenció al sector 01 del Conjunt Històric d'Olèrdola. De la prehistòria a l'etapa romana (campanyes 1995-2006), Monografies d'Olèrdola 2, Barcelona, 581-588. Fig. 30.1765.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Omeka ID 2275