inscription on Iberian pottery

MAC OLE-00558
Object type ostrakon
Fabric common Iberian oxidized pottery
Culture/period Protohistory
Materials pottery
Technique wheel-thrown, incising
Production date -225 / -100
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Current location Centre Interpretació
Archaeological site Olèrdola. Entrada recinte (sector 01)
Township Olèrdola (Alt Penedès)
Dimensions 5 x 28 x 15 mm
Fragment wall of an Iberian ceramic vessel intentionally cut circularly and containing an inscription in the Iberian alphabet. It offers some reading problems, which only have been resolved by examining the ductus of the signs. Although with some doubts, the inscription seems indeed Iberian. It was located in Sector 01, inside the enclosure during the 1986 excavation, without further references. From left to right there are three "signs". The "first" is doubtful and corresponds to the strokes that can be seen after the fracture. The second sign is an ‘a' poorly traced. The real problem lies in the third sign, since the distinction between the second and the third is not clear. The most likely hypothesis is that it is a third different sign, a tone sign that has escaped the layout of the horizontal line towards the back. The proposed interpretation would be] * (-) a - to [, but we cannot rule out that inscription begins with the ‘a' and that the "first" sign was actually the end of the last or the rest of a separator. The limited data do not allow an accurate interpretation of the content. RODRIGUEZ RAMOS, J. 2008, Comentaris epigràfics a les inscripcions d'Olèrdola, in MOLIST, N. (ed), La intervenció al sector 01 del Conjunt Històric d'Olèrdola. De la prehistòria a l'etapa romana (campanyes 1995-2006), Monografies d'Olèrdola 2, Barcelona, 581-588. Fig. 30.1885.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Omeka ID 2273