figure representing a Greek warrior

MAC BCN-029087
Object type figure
Culture/period Colonisations
Materials bronze
Technique casting
Production date -450 / -450
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Son Gelabert de Dalt
Township Lloret de Vista Alegre (Mallorca)
Dimensions 213 x 60 x 33 mm
Statuette depicting a bearded naked warrior with a Chalcidian helmet without cheek pieces. The right arm is extended horizontally while the left, flexed 90 degreeswould have held up a vertical shaft. It would be a representation of Ares, the Greek god of war. It was probably originally from Magna Greece, since mercenaries from the Balearics, when they took part in the wars of the Mediterranean, brought to the islands divinities of other cultures, gods or heroes linked to the war, such as " the balearicus Mars", represented in several statues as a naked warrior in the posture of combat. Our example, although not exactly of the "balearicus Mars" types, displays many similarities with that model.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2500