patera, umbilicate chariot phiale

MAC BCN-019448
Object type patera
Culture/period Protohistory and Iberian world
Materials silver
Technique casting, embossing
Production date -250 / -195
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Castellet de Banyoles
Township Tivissa (Ribera d'Ebre)
Dimensions 31 x 160 mm
Phiale or ritual patera of silver with a chariot scene and central plain omphalos. This is surrounded by a border that alternates two types of palmettes. The bottom is decorated in relief with three chariots partly lost. Four horses are leading a charriot with two characters. In one of the quadriga, the male figure carries a thunderbolt or sceptre, probably Jupiter. The female figure to his right (identifiable to a Nike, although not winged) is driving the chariot and seems to hold a kind of crown. The second quadriga seems to repeat the two characters, but the male would be Heracles with a bare torso and a crown. The other character is female, and leads the chariot. Of the third quadriga only the horses are preserved. Behind the female character (a divine omen) we see an eagle. It could be a scene of heroic apotheosis of Heracles in a chariot next to the entourage of the gods. It is made with the technique of the 'spear', which is the pressure of the blade against a silver mould. Note that the direction of the chariot is unusual, as there are usually four, not three. It is dated between the years 250 / 225-195 BC and is part of the Treasure of Tivissa, a generic name covering different finds. This piece along with the other three phiales, a hemispherical decorated cup, ritual goblet vessels, a torque and a spiral bracelet with the representation of a snake was found in 1927 in the Iberian town of Castellet de Banyoles. JAEGGUI, O. 2004, Vajillas de plata iberohelenísticas, in OLMOS, R.; ROUILLARD, P. (eds.), La vajilla ibérica en época helenística: siglos IV-III al cambio de era, Colección de la Casa de Velázquez, vol. 89, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 49 i ss. Pàg. 52, Fig. 8. OLMOS, R. 1996, Las incertidumbres de los lenguajes iconográficos: las páteras de plata ibéricas, Coloquio Internacional: Iconografía ibérica, iconografía itálica: Propuestas de interpretación y lectura (Roma 11-13 novembre 1993), Madrid, UAM, 91-102. Pàg. 94, Fig. 1. RAFEL et al., 2006, La arqueología de la plata y su investigación en la península ibérica: el proyecto plata prerromana en Catalunya. I Congreso Internacional de minería y metalurgia en el contexto de la historia de la humanidad: pasado, presente y futuro. Mequinenza 6-9, julio 2006. 253-268. Fig. 5. SERRA RÀFOLS, J. C. 1941, El poblado ibérico del Castellet de Banyoles, Ampurias 3, 15-34. Pàg. 31, Làm. XI.
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