female figure

MAC BCN-014133
Object type figure
Culture/period Protohistory and Iberian world
Materials limestone
Technique sculpting
Production date -400 / -200
Current location Reserva provisional
Archaeological site Múrcia
Township Múrcia (Múrcia)
Dimensions 202 x 96 mm
Small sculpture of an Iberian lady; probably a votive offering. Roughly sculpted, the back is cut regularly in the shape of a rectangle, but has lost material. On the front side, quite eroded, we see the head is disproportionate to the body. She is wearing a mantle that falls behind her shoulders; round her neck she wears a torque, a symbol of the ruling classes and a second larger necklace, consisting of triangles. She has a long dress with sleeves, from which her arms emerge at right angles. In her right hand she is holding something, probably an offering. The sculpture comes from the region of Murcia, but the site, necropolis or sanctuary, is unknown. Votive offerings were deposited in sanctuaries, especially those located in caves and shelters. They were offerings to the gods and those made of stone and bronze have been preserved; they are all small figures or even the part of the body that should be cured. The votive offerings are a precious source of information on clothing, jewellery, hairstyles and weaponry.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2517