Iberian miniature amphora

MAC BCN-009026
Object type amphora
Fabric common Iberian oxidized pottery
Culture/period Protohistory and Iberian world
Materials pottery
Technique wheel-thrown
Production date -400 / -200
Current location Reserva provisional
Archaeological site Barcelona. Turó de la Rovira
Township Barcelona (Barcelonès)
Dimensions 140 x 54 mm
Miniature amphora from the Iberian settlement of Turó de la Rovira (Barcelona). It has two handles and is made of oxidised ceramic. It was recovered in 1932 during the archeological work performed by the Archaeological Research Service of the Government of Catalonia in Turó de la Rovira, formerly called Puig Aguilar. This piece imitates on a small-scale one of the most peculiar and characteristic ceramic vessels in Iberian culture: the amphora, a container used to store food, liquids or semi-liquids and to transport them to their market mainly by sea. Amphorae circulated throughout the Mediterranean in ancient times and were of different shapes and fabric, which identifies the source and determines the maritime routes and ultimately the trade.
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