Object type
Roman world
Production date
-10 / 1
Current location
Exposició permanent
Archaeological site
Barcelona. Carrer Avinyó
Barcelona (Barcelonès)
55 x 120 x 28 cm
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“Caius Coelius son of Atisius, duumviri quinquennial, has taken care to make the walls, towers, gates." Caius Coelius was the judge in charge of the construction of the wall, the tower and the gates of Roman Barcelona, probably in its founding moment.The tablet would have been placed in one of the city gates. The city was founded in the time of Emperor Augustus (27 BC – AD 14) more exactly between the years 15-10 BC. Its old name was Colonia Faventia Iulia Augusta Pia Barcino, or more commonly Colonia Iulia Augusta Faventia Paterna Barcino which was finally reduced to Barcino. This colony, which was initially planned to give land to the soldiers from the Cantabrian wars, began its political, economic and social growth. Therefore a municipal political system was established with allthr court officials, judges ... that made life in the city increasinly like the life in Rome. This is when the figure of Caius Coelius, who held the position of duumviri quinquennial, appeared; he was commissioned to carry out censuses and sometimes to issue coins.
"Fita de forma cil·líndrica, trobada el 1880, de la qual es conserva només la part superior. Indica la milla XXI de la via que unia Osona amb la costa central catalana, a través del Vallès. La inscripció fa referència a Mani Sergi, procònsol de la Hispània Citerior que fou l'encarregat de construir la via. Es coneixen dos mil·liaris més de mateix personatge. Contingut de la inscripció:
© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
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