ring with inscription

MAC OLE-00281
Object type ring
Culture/period Roman
Materials silver
Technique moulding, casting
Production date -100 / -50
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Current location Centre Interpretació
Archaeological site Olèrdola. Entrada recinte (sector 01)
Township Olèrdola (Alt Penedès)
Dimensions 6 x 15 x 14 mm
Ring with the proximal portion laterally flattened and thickened. At the time of the discovery of the piece, a Latin inscription AT (T) IVS / FEL (IX) was identified (lost during restoration, when it was split in half. Currently it is illegible). The proposed translation is (property of) Attius Felix. It was located in Sector 01 during the 1996 excavation, in a medieval level within House 102. The nominative of the ring indicates a use as a seal. Although the name Attius is well documented in Hispania, only it appears once in Tarraco. The presence of a ring with that name in Olèrdola could indicate a property in the area of the Attia (Gorosotidi 2010, 72-73). Its age cannot be specified. It could correspond to a Republican time associated with the Roman fortification, or been transported later, perhaps in medieval times on the site, from one of the Roman villas in Penedès.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Omeka ID 2236