turtle figurine

MAC GIR-014625
Object type turtle figurine
Materials pottery
Technique moulding
Production date -600 / -401
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Current location MASPG
Archaeological site Empúries
Township Escala, l' (Alt Empordà)
Dimensions 66 x 44 x 33 mm
Terracotta figurine from Empúries (l'Escala, Alt Empordà) which represents a small turtle, 6.6 cm long and 4.4 high, made in a mould. It can be dated between the 6th and 5th centuries BC. Zoomorphic figures in contexts of Greek or Iberian sites are not unusual and Empúries is an example of this, as we find many examples of figurines representing animals such as wild boars, birds, dogs and bovids, among others. Terracotta figurines are generally related to funeral contexts; however, they have also been associated with domestic contexts. This figurine comes from the systematic plunder in Empúries until the first decades of the twentieth century, which especially affected the areas of necropolis located outside the wall, both Greek and Roman. We can therefore attribute this turtle to one of the Greek necropolises in the city. Others are known whose origin is well documented: Bonjoan's burial no. 43 and the so-called Cazurro tomb, in the Portitxol necropolis.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Omeka ID 3196