black-glaze hydria

MAC GIR-000790
Object type hydria
Culture/period Colonisations (?)
Materials pottery
Technique wheel-thrown
Production date -400 / -301
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Current location Centre de Pedret
Archaeological site Empúries
Township Escala, l' (Alt Empordà)
Dimensions 225 x 170 mm
Hydra. Imitation Attic closed vessel with black varnish, globular body, highlighted foot and three handles, two small parallel and horizontal handles in the middle of the body of the vessel, and a third larger vertical one, located in the neck, also with black varnish. The decoration, with black and red figures, represents Eros, son of Venus, who receives some offerings and a palm leaf adornment around the belly of a woman. On both sides there are two owls with an olive branch and a goose in the centre with some details of floral decoration.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Omeka ID 285