stele with horns

MAC BCN-046571
Object type stele
Culture/period Prehistory
Materials sandstone
Technique sculpting
Production date -3400 / -2700
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Serra del Mas Bonet
Township Vilafant (Alt Empordà)
Dimensions 760 x 600 x 230 mm
Sandstone stele with a trapezoidal shape and outstanding horns. It was found broken inside a large pit with the remains of its manufacturing process, a small menhir and numerous other archaeological objects. The association of these elements has allowed their interpretation as the product of a ritual act. The site of the Serra del Mas Bonet was excavated by Rafael Rosillo in 2008 in a rescue excavation owing to the construction of the high-speed railway. At the same site other steles appeared, some of them large, which suggests that this type of artefact was a regular feature in late Neolithic communities.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2628