sarcophagus of Santa Eulalia

MAC BCN-019919
Object type sarcophagus
Culture/period Roman world
Materials Carrara marble
Technique sculpting
Production date 400 / 500
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Església de Santa Maria del Mar (necròpolis romana)
Township Barcelona (Barcelonès)
Dimensions 49 x 186 x 84 cm
Sarcophagus decorated with rectangular strigils, divided into two fields and developed in opposite directions from each other, separated by a square cartouche in the centre without an epigraph. The sides are also decorated with strigils. Probably from the Roman necropolis under the existing Gothic basilica of St. Maria del Mar, the coffin remained in the basilica and was used as a baptismal font until 1936, when it was transferred to the MAC.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2461