Goddess Fortuna lamp

MAC BCN-014356
Object type oil lamp
Fabric undetermined high imperial production oil lamp
Culture/period Roman world
Materials pottery
Technique moulding
Production date 100 / 200
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Procedència desconeguda
Township Desconegut
Dimensions 61 x 111 x 149 mm
Disc lamp with the representation of the goddess Fortuna shown seated on a very elaborate chair, holding with her left arm an overflowing cornucopia of fruits, flowers and all kinds of goods and wealth, which is the symbol of abundance and prosperity with which this divinity is associated. With her right hand, she is holding another object that is difficult to identify, but it corresponds to a rudder of a ship, a distinctive symbol of the goddess Fortuna who directs and governs the fate of humanity with a capricious hand.
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