geometric mosaic

MAC BCN-022056
Object type mosaic
Culture/period Roman world
Materials marble
Technique opus tessellatum
Production date 50 / 100
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Badalona. Casa del carrer Lledó
Township Badalona (Barcelonès)
Dimensions 270 x 200 cm
Monochrome mosaic (black and white) from the impluvium in the domus of Casa Lladó (Badalona). The centre is occupied by a square within which there is a circle of triangles and a square in the middle with concave sides. The four corners of the square contain marine motifs: two angles with dolphin and trident, an angle with two dolphins with tails intertwined and the other angle with two dolphins flanking an octopus. Two of the sides are decorated with rows of triangles and diamonds.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2465