gladiator the lamp

MAC BCN-014273
Object type oil lamp
Fabric undetermined high imperial production oil lamp
Culture/period Roman world
Materials pottery
Technique moulding
Production date 1 / 100
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Procedència desconeguda
Township Desconegut
Dimensions 28 x 77 x 104 mm
Volute lamp with the representation of a gladiator, possibly a Thracian, kneeling with his hands on his back. He is wearing a helmet with a pronounced edge but without a plume. is bare-chested and has a braided belt (balteus) that holds a loincloth (subligaculum) as the only clothing. The right forearm is protected with a sleeve (manica) and he seems to have possibly a sica, a short sword with a curved blade in his hand. He is also wearing greaves, pieces of leather and metal the protect the legs from the knees to the feet. In front, on the floor, is his oval shield and behind, there is a vertical object, difficult to identify, but it could be a trident, perhaps the gladiator's weapon, a retiarius, with which he has just fought.
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Omeka ID 2426