decorated plate belt buckle, active part

MAC OLE-00969
Object type belt buckle
Culture/period Iberians
Materials bronze
Technique moulding
Production date -400 / -200
Current location Reserves
Archaeological site Olèrdola. Muralla romana - cinglera est (sector 02)
Township Olèrdola (Alt Penedès)
Dimensions 86 x 83 x 1,5 mm
Buckle of the rectangular plate type with lateral notches, the active part. Partially preserved, it has one of the two lateral recesses, the upper and the distal tongue flap. The decoration is quite simple, consisting of engraved circles on three horizontal lines. Each of the circles is formed by a central point and three concentric circles. A dotted line runs round the perimeter and lines of the circles. The distal portion, where there would be two holes for the rivets that secured the plate to the leather belt, is missing. In the recess you can see how the dotted line of the circles and perimeter come together and continue. It was recovered inside Tower 2 of the Roman Republicana wall, in the 2016 excavation (1st century BC).
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