stylus or writing punch

MAC OLE-00371
Object type punch
Culture/period Roman
Materials bone
Technique carving, polishing
Production date -100 / -50
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Current location Centre Interpretació
Archaeological site Olèrdola. Entrada recinte (sector 01)
Township Olèrdola (Alt Penedès)
Dimensions 95 x 10 mm
Spindle-shaped piece with a blunt proximal end, highlighted by a groove. The distal end has an oval shape. It was recovered in the 1986 excavation in Sector 01. A stylus is a tool to write on warm wax on a wooden plate. The pointed end was used for writing, while the more rounded opposite end was used to delete an error or change the word, as we would today with a rubber on paper. It is an object found with some regularity in deposits of Roman times. Several specimens have been found in Olèrdola near the entrance to the site, some of them in levels clearly associated with the Roman fortification. In the Roman army, the chiefs' instructions were usually written on writing tablets.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Olèrdola
Omeka ID 2256