anthropomorphic coral figurine

MAC GIR-003812
Object type coral object
Materials coral
Technique carving
Production date 1 / 200
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Current location MASPG
Archaeological site Empúries
Township Escala, l' (Alt Empordà)
Dimensions 41 x 19 x 10 mm
Anthropomorphic figure carved in coral, from Empúries (l'Escala, Alt Empordà) and dated between the 1st-2nd centuries AD. The figure of small dimensions, 4.1 cm long and 1.9 cm wide, represents a character crouching with the arms extended holding on the sides of the body, with his hands on his knees. The position, slightly forced, is given by the shape of the coral branch that serves as a support.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Omeka ID 3172