thin-walled pottery

MAC CASC CpIV-2-21-3270, MAC CASC CpIV-328, MAC CASC CpIV-2-2-201, MAC CASC CpIV-2-21-228
Object type thin-walled pottery
Culture/period Roman world
Materials pottery
Technique wheel-thrown
Production date 78 / 82
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Current location
Archaeological site Culip IV
Township Cadaqués (Alt Empordà)
Dimensions 112 x 129 x 147 mm, 83 x 92 x 107 mm, 80 x 62 mm, 89 x 43 mm
Set of thin-walled pottery of each of the different types carried by the Culip IV wreck. This ship carried 1475 thin-walled ceramic vessels in its cargo. This pottery was produced in Baetica, present-day Andalusia.
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© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Omeka ID 3111