barrel calibrator and bullet calibrator

MAC CASC 19916, MAC CASC 19977
Object type barrel calibrator, bullet calibrator
Culture/period Contemporary
Materials brass
Production date 1813
Seu Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Archaeological site Deltebre I
Township Deltebre (Baix Ebre)
Dimensions 200 x 255 x 131 mm, 587 x 154 x 23 mm
Cannon Caliper: This instrument was used to measure the diameter of the barrel mouth. It contains inscriptions showing, on the one hand, the French calibres and, on the other, the English. It was common for a side to capture weapons from the enemy in battle. Each power had its own system of measurement and there were tools to find the equivalences to be able to use the enemy's artillery and ammunition. It also has some calculation rules and the name of the instrument manufacturer: M. Berge London Late Ramsden. Cannonball Calibrator: In this instrument, each hoop is engraved with the diameter of the circumference which refers to the size of the bullet.
© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - CASC
Omeka ID 3134