thermae founding plaque

MAC BCN-019011
Object type plaque
Culture/period Roman world
Materials marble
Technique carving
Production date 125
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Barcelona. Ciutat romana
Township Barcelona (Barcelonès)
Dimensions 400 x 323 x 46 mm (Fragment dret (trobat a Barcelona)) 860 x 1020 x 100 mm (Fragment esquerre (trobat a Mollet))
This stone is the founding document of public baths given to the city by Lucius Minicius Natalis father and his son, senators and originating from Barcino. They were the most illustrious people from Roman Barcelona that are known: the former occupied positions of great importance during the reigns of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian; and his son also at the time of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. In addition, Lucius Minicius Natal son is famous for winning, as the owner, the chariot race in the Olympic Games in AD 129. The generosity of both men towards the city is obvious with the donation of these public baths, with associated porch and corresponding water supply.
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Omeka ID 2634