necklace variscite bead

MAC BCN-016400, MAC BCN-016399
Object type necklace
Culture/period Prehistory
Materials variscite
Technique handmade
Production date -4200 / -3200
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Bóbila de Can Torrens. Sepulcre III.
Township Montornès del Valles (Vallès Oriental)
Dimensions 480 x 11mm
Necklace with variscite beads. They are barrel-shaped and three are discoidal, and were associated with a skeleton as grave goods. Variscite is a pale green mineral used during the Middle Neolithic to make various types of ornaments and whose origin is most likely the Gavà prehistoric mines which were worked for centuries. Can Torrents is a brickyard where three pit tombs were documented. The variscite necklace was acquired by the Museum of Archeology between 1940 and 1941 from an employee of the brickyard who found it.
© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2586