Object type
silver coin
Production date
-224 / -200
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
Current location
Archaeological site
La Barroca
Amer (Selva, La)
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Emporitan drachma (dating to the 3rd century BC). The obverse shows the head of the nymph Arethusa, surrounded by dolphins, and the reverse represents Pegasus, the winged mythological horse, with the Greek legend ΕΜΠΟΡΙΤΩΝ, “of the Emporitans”. It is part of the treasure from La Barroca (Amer, Selva-Sant Martí de Llémena, Gironès).
The treasure, acquired by a Girona jeweller, was curated and entered the museum in 1953 after reaching an economic agreement with the jeweller. It consists of 118 silver coins: 42 Emporitan drachmas, one of which is part of half; two Iberian denarii (one from “Kese”, Tarragona and another from “Turiasu”, Tarazona) and 74 Roman republican denarii. The Roman denarii are very accurately dated to between 209-208 BC and 112-111 BC, so the chronology of the hiding of the treasure has been fixed from this last date, within the last decade of the second century BC.
While Martín Almagro and Miquel Oliva were preparing the publication of the treasure, it was learned that before its purchase by the jeweller, a part had been acquired by private collectors in Barcelona.
© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Girona
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