Byzantine capital of San Polyeuktos

MAC BCN-007542
Object type capital
Culture/period Medieval
Materials marble
Technique drillwork, carving
Production date 524 / 527
Current location Exposició permanent
Archaeological site Església de Sant Polyeuktos de Constantinoble
Township Istambul (Turquia)
Dimensions 920 x 965 mm
Capital of Byzantine origin made of white marble from Proconnesos. The shape is frustoconical with a very deep drilling and carved plant motifs with a clear classical influence. The base of the basket presents a moulding in the form of a collar decorated with ovals and inscribed crosses, alternating trilobate or pseudo-acanthus leaves. They are all intertwined by a stem in the lower part. A triad of cornucopias can be perceived on each side of the frontal faces. They are a centrepiece from which emerges a kind of thorny acanthus leaves, widely used in Byzantine capitals. The area of the abacus has decorations of lobed elements, from which fruit hangs, and each of the lobes contains an element in the shape of a pearl.
3D Model
© Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya - Barcelona
Omeka ID 2383